The election is now closed, and I am pleased to announce the six recently elected members of the SWAN Circulation Advisory Committee.  

They are:

              Cindy Maiello Gluecklich, MPS

              Sandra Leyva, AMS

              Julie Lombardo, WRS

              Debbie Sheehan, INS

              Peggy Tomzik, ESS

              Crystal Vela, BYS


Congratulations to all who participated in the process.  We had 13 fantastic people offer their time to serve.   And 49 of the SWAN libraries submitted a ballot.


The next SWAN Circ Advisory meeting is Nov. 18th, 9:30 AM in the RAILS meeting room.     Hope to see any and all of the interested parties there.   Have a great weekend.



Kate Boyle
SWAN Member Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5162
Fax: 630.734.5056