To SWAN Library Staff:
Last week, one library reported missing Overdrive content from their eRC collection in Enterprise, which we were able to remedy. Today two libraries made similar reports. After receiving the reports, I began checking other libraries in the Media On Demand group and found that several libraries are missing the shared collection from their profiles. It appears that advantage collections are not being impacted.
I have opened a high priority case with SirsiDynix to investigate the cause of this issue. It does not appear to be related to today’s Enterprise login issues.
At this time, I do not have a complete list of affected libraries. I am continuing to test profiles. So far, I have observed that
· BCS, BIS, BWS, BVS, HSS, have their content.
· ADS, BPS, BYS, MDS, OLS, OPS, and WRS are missing content.
If your Enterprise profile appears to be missing content, please send a ticket to
We will continue to work with SirsiDynix to identify a cause and implement a solution. I will send updates as they become available.
Rebecca Malinowski
SWAN Special Projects Coordinator
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5157
Fax: 630.734.5056