SWAN Board,


Next week at the Tuesday Committee of the Whole meeting and then Friday at the SWAN Board meeting we will discuss what is called “phase two” of the RAILS Overlay Project.  This project has been a component of the RAILS Consortia Committee. Phase two of the project involves putting together some focus groups within each consortium to identify organizational factors such as governance, administration, finance, staff workload, and resource sharing policies and viewpoints that will affect the success of the project. It will be facilitated by Eric Craymer of Growth Management Consulting, Inc. Eric has experience with a similar project in Michigan, called MelCat.


I have attached the overview of the Overlay Project. Below is a meeting date poll to help us determine if any SWAN Board members could be available on four dates in March. Please fill this out as it will help us determine a date we can share at the COW next week.




Having all 7 board members attend is not our intention.


Aaron Skog
SWAN Executive Director
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5122
Fax: 630.734.5056