SWAN Board:
As a recap – the completed evaluation form for Aaron will be due to Rich and me by
end of business Friday, June 9th. We will then compile them and try to get you a synopsis via email on Monday or Tuesday of the following week, for that Friday’s board meeting.
Aaron is working on his self-evaluation and will email that out to you separately, hopefully by end of next week.
Also attached is the SWAN employee performance scores guideline, if this is helpful in determining number scores. If you’d like me to modify this for the ED review process as an official document that can be used year to year, I am happy
to do so.
Thank you,
Brande Overbey
Operations Manager
brande@swanlibraries.net • (630)326-7104
*Please note my new email address, address and phone number*
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont IL 60559
swanlibraries.net •