SWAN Board,


The ILS Committee has expressed some concerns to me pressures they are facing from the membership regarding Polaris and Innovative not being included in the demos.  We discussed this at our last board meeting and the consensus was that we would continue on with the process and the committee’s recommendation.  We cannot at this time share all of the reasons why these two vendors were scored lower than the others.  This can be shared at the completion of the RFP process.  Jeannie is working on an update to the membership that shares the scoring criteria, process to ease some of the concerns. 


I myself am more concerned that the SWAN board has been part of this pressure on the committee either indirectly when talking to other library directors and tasks force members or directly when talking with members of the committee or Aaron.  As a board we decided on this process, the committee and when discussed last week express that we wished to continue on this road.  We need to be unified in our support of the committee, their recommendations and the process that we have selected.  Based on last week’s meeting I thought we were in agreement to continue down the road that we are on.   That is the decision that we made at last week’s meeting and we should continue to support the committee, the task force and the process that we selected. 


Please call me to discuss any comments or concerns you may have.  I want to make sure that we are acting in the best interest of our membership and that we as board members feel we can support the decisions that we make.  I will be out of the office Thursday and Friday, please feel free to contact me on my cell phone.




Melissa Gardner

Executive Director

Broadview Public Library District

2226 S. 16th Ave. * Broadview,  IL 60155

(708)345-1325 x20 * Fax:  (708) 345-0302

Cell:  (773) 807-0619
