SWAN Board Members,


Attached you will find Aaron’s self-evaluation and a blank Evaluation Form for you to fill out.  We were originally going to do Aaron’s evaluation at the October meeting on Friday but have moved it to November’s meeting.  I felt that with the ILS demos and ILA being this month that it was too difficult for the board to spend the time that Aaron deserves on completing the evaluation.  Please fill out the evaluation form and have it back to me or Rich by the 11th of November.  I am hoping that he and I can meet after our committee of the whole meeting on November 12th to compile the responses for the meeting on November 15th.  Thank you all for your time and if you have any questions or concerns we can discuss Friday at our meeting.




Melissa Gardner

Executive Director

Broadview Public Library District

2226 S. 16th Ave. * Broadview,  IL 60155

(708)345-1325 x20 * Fax:  (708) 345-0302

Cell:  (773) 807-0619
